The Trail System on the Grounds of the Pownalborough Court House
Across the road (Rt 128) from the Court House is a small parking lot and a tract of 150 wooded acres that are home to over 3 miles of trails, including one that is about 1/3 mile of accessible trail. The trails are designated for walking, hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing only. No bicycles, horses, or motorized vehicles are allowed.

The trails provide a truly beautiful and walkable system that includes ravines with dells and unusually tall trees. Located on the western flank of the ridge that divides the Eastern and Kennebec Rivers, the system contains a number of unique features that makes it an appealing and distinctive destination. Much of the trail system traverses a mostly mature woodland comprised principally of white pine as well as groves of eastern hemlock on routes that provide views of a stream and fern meadows.
The perimeter trail loop runs east from the parking area off Rt 128 and follows the original “Cross Road” onto an original rangeway and then intersects with a discontinued town road called the Common Rd . The trail heads south on the Common Rd past the site of the Rev Jacob Bailey’s Episcopal church, the first Episcopal church in Maine. The trail now turns west into a wooded area that is a Town woodlot, then down a slope onto Court House land and connecting trails that offer a variety of options for distance and terrain.
Dave Probert, Co-Chair of the Pownalborough Court House Stewardship Committee