Join us at the Court House for Cider Pressing with Children's story time and a family nature-based activity at the Pownalborough Court House. Time 10 am - 2 pm.
Jefferson Navicky. Elizabeth Coatsworth & Kate Barnes: Processing the Literary Archives of Mother & Daughter Location: Skidompha Library Jefferson had the rare good fortune of processing the extensive archival papers of Elizabeth Coatsworth, one of the most accomplished children’s book authors and poets of the mid 20th century, as well as the papers of her daughter, Kate Barnes, Maine’s first ...
People of all ages who appreciate a creepy Halloween activity can look forward to special haunted tours at the Pownalborough Court House from 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm on October 28th and 29th. Participants will experience a tour of the haunted court house and cemetery with hauntings provided by people portraying the ghosts of Pownalborough’s past. An outdoor fire with ...
People of all ages who appreciate a creepy Halloween activity can look forward to special haunted tours at the Pownalborough Court House from 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm on October 28th and 29th. Participants will experience a tour of the haunted court house and cemetery with hauntings provided by people portraying the ghosts of Pownalborough’s past. An outdoor fire with ...
Free and open to the public! Join us for a series of discussions with compelling readings that invite reflection on things that really matter. A facilitator grounds and guides each discussion, all texts are provided, and there is no charge to participate. The discussion will be richer with you there. Facilitated by Leigh Anne Keichline email to register: [email protected]
This talk will be rescheduled for 2023. Dr. Heather Leslie Building on Rachel Carson's Legacy through Resilience, Science, and Practice. With a welcome by Andrea Lani. About the talk: Dr. Heather Leslie will reflect on Rachel Carson's legacy and how it has shaped marine conservation science and practice, particularly in the face of climate change impacts on coastal marine ecosystems ...
LCHA works hard to meet the ongoing challenge of preserving each of the historic treasures in our care. It is the buildings themselves that require the lion's share of the funds we obtain through our annual appeal, memberships, bequests, grant applications and special appeals. Please help us preserve these extraordinary buildings for future generations.