Quickly now, what do you think of when someone begins to speak of a sampler? Words of wisdom, often from the Bible, stitched on to a piece of fabric? The alphabet, in capital and small letters, embroidered in a cross-stitch in both cursive and block letters? And one form of needlework often signed by the maker, unlike so many other ...
Gary Lawless: Elizabeth Coatsworth at Chimney Farm Writer Elizabeth Coatsworth penned an estimated 127 total titles while living for decades in an early 19th-century house at lakefront Chimney Farm in Nobleboro. (See the article on her by Laura McCandlish in our Winter 2022 Newletter for additional background.). Join us for an evening with poet, bookstore owner, editor and publisher Gary ...
Barbara Cooney stories and Lupine Lady inspired Craft with Beyond Crafts (https://www.beyondcraftsmaine.com/). Registration required. This is a free event.
Special tours at Pownalborough Court House: First person reenactors portraying real people at the court house in 1777 will be part of tours on these days. Registration not required.
LCHA works hard to meet the ongoing challenge of preserving each of the historic treasures in our care. It is the buildings themselves that require the lion's share of the funds we obtain through our annual appeal, memberships, bequests, grant applications and special appeals. Please help us preserve these extraordinary buildings for future generations.