Gifts of Stock – A new way to support LCHA and make a lasting impact – for future generations

Members of LCHA’s Investment Committee spent 2023 developing a new way to ensure LCHA’s future well-being. Committee members have made generous lead donations to pave the way and now encourage members and supporters to find out for themselves how easy it is to transfer a gift of stock and help support LCHA for the next generation in the process.

LCHA’s Investment Committee is proud to announce that they opened a brokerage account for the organization and made generous lead gifts of stock that currently value just under $30,000!

This account will work alongside our Endowment Account to ensure LCHA’s future financial sustainability.

It’s easy to transfer a tax-deductible gift of stock, and it’s an incredible way to make a lasting impact that means LCHA can continue to steward the places, objects, and stories of our past for future generations!

Interested in learning more about making a gift that makes a difference? Please email Board President Robin Grant.